A lot of my clients ask me what they can do to see bigger results in their life. And the answer I give them, while remarkably simple, is extremely powerful at the same time.
It's this: Get out there.
While I'm a huge proponent of sitting with yourself and reflecting and having you time, to actually *make things happen* requires taking action, and that begins with getting out there (reread this sentence over - it's an important one).
See, the thing is that the more people you meet in your life, the more quickly you will achieve your goals. And the reason why is that we grow through people.
How many times have you gotten a job or an opportunity has come your way more quickly and easily because you knew someone?
How many times have you met the person you're dating because you simply left your apartment or house?
And yet, in many ways, because of online dating and social media, we tell ourselves that we can accomplish just as much while we're in our pajamas on our couch. While you can for sure still accomplish some things, I absolutely promise you that you will achieve your goals so MUCH more quickly and easily if you simply put your shoes on and go outside.
I get the appeal of staying at home. It feels safer, more comfortable, you avoid taking any risks. But, isn't that how we grow? By taking risks and walking towards the unknown and stepping outside of our comfort zones?
The advice I give my clients is oftentimes extremely simple. But simple doesn't mean easy, and I know that. Getting out there is extremely simple. But how many of us choose to stay home in front of the TV or on Facebook, as opposed to getting out there and inviting the exciting and unexpected surprises that are waiting for us outside our doors?
So after I tell my clients to get out there, the next question is always this: Okay, well how can I make it easier for me to do that consistently?
Here's what I tell them:
1. Get yourself a buddy to help hold you accountable. When you know that someone else is expecting you to go on that date, or that interview, or to that networking event, it won't be as easy to let yourself off the hook.
2. Give yourself an incentive. Positive reinforcement can always help. Set up a reward system so that you have something to look forward to.
3. Just do it. Again, it's the simplest things that often make the biggest impact. Sometimes, you just need to quiet all of the excuses in your head, get off your couch, put your shoes on, and open the front door.
Since I've made a commitment to get out there more, I've made so many more friends, had really exciting opportunities come my way, and have begun working with the exact kinds of client I want to be working with.
This week's Quarter Life Clarity assignment
Now it's your turn. Are you ready to make the commitment to get out there more? Set a goal to get out there 3 or more times during the week. And then let me know if you start to notice a difference in your life, and if exciting people and opportunities start to show up. I have a really good feeling that they will...