Sunday, September 11, 2011

Why you don't yet have whatever it is you want

We all want certain things. 

Whether it's a boyfriend, a girlfriend, a new job, more money, or a "better" body (whatever that may mean to you), we all want certain things that we don't yet have.

And then we wonder why they don't arrive as quickly as we want them to. If we want something so badly, why isn't it already here? 

One would think - as many of us do (I definitely did up until recently) that if we want something badly enough, it will come our way. But how often does that really work? I don't know about you, but that hasn't seemed to really work for me all that well. 

So then what's the next step? When you want something SO badly, what do you do to get from wishing and wanting to actually living and experiencing this ideal life that you've mapped out for yourself?

1. First off, congratulate yourself. The fact that you actually know what it is you want is a very big deal. Many people struggle to figure out what it is they want, so if you know for certain that you want certain things, you've actually accomplished a lot already.

2. Find your big WHY. After you figure out what it is you want, ask yourself why you want it. Because here's the thing. You want an awesome relationship or an amazing body because of how you imagine having those things will make you FEEL. Whatever it is you want, you want it because you believe that it will make you feel better. So what are the feelings you anticipate feeling as a result of having what you want?

3. Stop dwelling on not having these things. What you focus on, grows. So if you're focusing endlessly on not having the relationship and not having the money, you'll just keep getting more of that. 

4. Play pretend. While it may seem silly, living as if you *already* have the things you want will bring you whatever it is you want more easily and quickly than whatever you're doing now. What can you do to help yourself start believing that you already have what you want? Write down how you imagine you'll feel once you have what you want, and bask in those good feelings for 10 minutes everyday. It will make a huge difference. 

5. Practice gratitude. The Universe only brings you what you want when you're already appreciative of what you have today. If you want more money, think about how you're grateful for whatever money you have today, no matter how much. Focus on the positive aspects of the areas in your life that you feel like need improvement. Re-shifting your attention to what IS working will put you in a better mindset to help you attract whatever else it is you want. 

6. Take action. We can meditate and journal until we're blue in the face, but results come from taking action. So get off your couch, get outside, meet new people, get to the gym, network - whatever actions will help you get closer to achieving your goal. 

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